6 Weeks - Abby's First Trip to the Pub!
We ventured out to Cato's Alehouse in Oakland, equipped with diaper bag and freshly pumped milk in a bottle for Abby so that Court could enjoy a real beer at a real restaurant!!!
Prepared for the worst, we were pleasantly surprised to find that Abby slept almost the entire time! Given that one of the "white noise" tracks on Abby's favorite CD, "For Crying Out Loud" is called "restaurant noise," I suppose the busy pub noises must have soothed her to sleep.
The other big development this week was that when we visited Abby's pediatrician, he diagnosed her "baby acne" as actually cradle cap on her face! The good news was that it was treatable and after a couple days of California Baby's Calendula Cream (which as a bonus smells really good), Abby's face cleared up!
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