Just over four months old, but here I am on my way to Cornell University.
Mom is getting old and wanted to go back to college for her 10 year reunion, to see some old friends and show Dad and me off. Cornell is located way upstate New York, which is a fun place, but takes a LONG time to get to from Oakland! First we FLEW cross country ... first flight ever for me! Aunt Ronee told me to wear my "Juicy" sweatsuit so I'd be extra cozy on the plane ride. Mom decided to get one too so we could be cozy together. Mom and Dad said I was pretty good on the plane ride. It was cool to sit in the aisle seat and watch everone board the plane ... I was so excited and wanted to meet everyone that went by. Mom wanted me to settle down since it was an overnight flight, so she put me in the
Ergo Carrier and I dozed off for most of the flight (you're welcome Mom and Dad!).
When we got to New York City, we rented a car and did the 4 hour drive to Ithaca in a nice roomy SUV with Mom's college buddies, Jenn Roberts, Heather Boyd and Chris O'Keefe.

For the weekend we got the privelege of staying with Kathey and Molly MacQueen, work friends of Mom's, in Trumansburg, NY. They have a super-cool house on Lake Cayuga. I had a great time rolling around on a blanket and sleeping in Molly's big girl room. At age 6, Molly is a budding Cornell Ice Hockey protege and is an expert lizard-ologist, showing us all the places to find salamanders and baby
skinks under rocks in the stream near their house.

We had a lot of fun at Cornell, but MAN was it HOT! I got to do lots of big girl things though, like crawl on a table at Ruloff's (a bar in Collegetown ... t

hey didn't even ID me!) and play video game poker with Auntie Jenn

y. All the heat was making

me thirsty when we were up on the roof at Rockledge (a frat house that Mom apparently frequented in college ... good blackmail material for later!). I tried real hard to get Mom's beer but she wouldn't let me have any.
On the way home I went on my first train to JFK and rode an elevator. There sure are a lot of people in New York! I had fun, but it was nice to crawl into my crib at home ... zzzzzzzz.....