5 Months, 2 weeks - First Food!
Doctors these days tell you babies can eat solids around 4-6 months. Some babies start to show signs that they are ready by watching what you eat and trying to grab your food. If Abby's recently demonstrated affinity for ice cold beer bottles and ice cream cones is any indication of the future, man are we in for it! :)
Abby is 5 months, 2 weeks old and is definitely teething! With teeth around the corner, we decided to venture into the world of FOOD!
On the menu this evening was Earth's Best Organic Baby Oatmeal cereal, mixed with momma's milk. Abby's first spoonfuls went down with ease and she seemed to really enjoy chomping (or should I say "gumming" at this point) on the baby spoon.
Stay tuned for next week's adventure: AVOCADO! A true California baby :)
Cutie... take it slow Abby... you might get a food baby :) No pizza :)