On Sunday, March 9th Abby was invited to a breakfast date with Jeremy Ruiz. Brett and I and Jeremy's parents, Cymbre and John, went along as chaperones to make sure things didn't get out of hand.
Jeremy is a real big boy now at 7 months old and actually has a defined nap time of 9:15 (hoping this will rub off on Abby!). Therefore, we all met up for the early bird breakfast at 8 AM. With the added challenge of Daylight Savings, it was a miracle that we all made it! Getting Abby to places on any schedule other than her own can be a bit challenging at times. She was being a "fussy eater" at our house in the morning, but seemed perfectly content to "eat on the run," starting in our parked car and then literally as I was walking into the restaurant. This was all made possible by a little sheet of fabric called the "Bebe Au Lait" or nicknamed the "hooter hider" and the fact that we were in Berkeley. As Cymbre commented, "hey, if you can't do it here, I don't know where you could!"
We met up at a popular Berkeley breakfast spot called Rick and Ann's, where we fit in perfectly since a munchkin in tow is pretty much a requirement at this spot.

Jeremy and Abby had a fun time checking each other out and Abby even shared her pacifier with Jeremy. She can't wait until she is bigger so they can really play together!